Unlock 2024 will bring together 200 activists, journalists, tech experts, social entrepreneurs and more.
We'll explore how the civic, tech and creative sectors can make a real difference in times of war, repression and closing civic space. You'll hear inspirational speakers, take part in practical workshops and have the chance to network with your peers from across Eastern Europe, Central Asia and the South Caucasus.
Together we'll push the limits of the possible to make a real difference.
The full programme is coming soon. In the meantime, here are some examples of the topics we’re working on:
and solidarity between activists across borders
and cross-border cooperation
in times of war
of the war in Ukraine on activism
and its potential to prevent new wars
during wartime
to information warfare
you can create it for your team or collaborate with other participants.
in the Czech Republic and other countries.
In collaboration with the Artivist Lab, Unlock allows artists to express and demonstrate the importance of decolonisation and showcase their anti-war stance. Activists present their works to create a platform for discussions and reflections thereby. After all, art also helps sustain civil societies.
So, during the Unlock event and in the following weeks, you can view artists`'` works and participate in performances as they contribute to fostering dialogue and raising awareness about the significance of decolonisation and promoting anti-war positions.
We are confident that your participation in our art spaces will inspire both you and other participants. We are looking forward to meeting you: please fill the application form.
This year, we'll welcome over 30 speakers. Check this space for updates.
Olga Rudnieva, CEO of Superhumans Center, non-for-profit center for Ukrainians.
Check out last year's Unlock